Discover and pilot the Parrot AR.Drone and AR.Drone 2.0 from Parrot using the new application, AR.FreeFlight 2.4.
INTUITIVE – Download AR.FreeFlight 2.4, the free control application, and you are ready to fly! By tilting your smartphone/tablet you control the direction of your AR.Drone. When you release control, the AR.Drone is instantly stabilized in the air. AR.FreeFlight 2.4 is compatible with the Parrot AR.Drone and the Parrot AR.Drone 2.0
FLY LIKE A CHAMPION – The AR.Drone is equipped with intuitive sensors that allow it to remain stable in the air, virtually flying itself. Anyone can fly like a champion as the embedded sensors allow for easy take-off and landing. With the AR.Drone 2.0 and AR.FreeFlight 2.4, you can access the exclusive and patented Absolute Control piloting mode for beginners that can be adjusted with your growing expertise.
RECORD HIGH DEFINITION VIDEO - As you fly, the HD video is recorded and sent via WiFi directly to your device after you land. With one click, upload your video from the user-friendly interface seamlessly to Youtube or share your pictures on Picasa.
AR.DRONE 2.0 EXCLUSIVE… PERFORM ACROBATICS – Make your AR.Drone 2.0 flip in mid-flight using a simple control.
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</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">探索和试点派诺特AR.Drone的派诺特AR.Drone的2.0使用新的应用程序,AR.FreeFlight 2.4。
直观 - 下载AR.FreeFlight 2.4,自由控制应用程序,以及你是箭在弦上!通过倾斜你的智能手机/平板电脑,你控制你的AR.Drone的方向。当你松开控制AR.Drone的瞬间在空气中稳定。派诺特AR.Drone的派诺特AR.Drone的2.0兼容2.4 AR.FreeFlight
飞像一个冠军 - AR.Drone的配备直观的传感器,允许它保持在空气中稳定,几乎飞本身。任何人都可以飞像一个冠军作为嵌入式传感器允许,便于起飞和着陆。 AR.Drone的2.0和2.4 AR.FreeFlight的,您可以访问独家专利的绝对控制权的试点模式与您不断增长的专业知识,适合初学者,可以进行调整。
录制高清晰度视频 - 正如你飞,高清视频记录,并通过无线网络直接发送到您的设备后,你的土地。只需一次点击,上传你的视频,从友好的用户界面无缝至YouTube或Picasa上分享您的照片。
AR.Drone的2.0 EXCLUSIVE ...表演杂技 - 让您的AR.Drone 2.0翻转在飞行中使用一个简单的控制。
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